Woonona High School

Respect Integrity Success Excellence

Telephone02 4284 1513


Student assistance application

A small amount of money is available to assist families in need who have students between 11 and 15 years of age. The common youth allowance scheme is available to assist students 16 years of age and older (application forms are available from Centrelink). The commonwealth government schoolkids bonus, $840.00 per student, issued in January and June is to be used to cover student's educational expenses.

Student assistance scheme money can be used to assist parents with the following:

  1. school uniform (however, parents are expected to cover the cost of shoes)
  2. year 7, 8 and 9 book packs
  3. subject contributions (elective subjects - wood, metal, visual art, home science, etc)
  4. school excursions/camps.

Student assistance will be used toward mandatory subject contributions in the first instance. The amount of assistance to each family will be influenced by the number of approved applicants. At this time it would appear that total assistance per family would be between $75-$100 for the year. Money from the scheme cannot be used for learning materials. Funds from this scheme are usually restricted to those families receiving social security. An application form must be completed every school year. Assistance can only subsidise total expenditure, payment in full of all expenses will not occur. Arrangements can be made at the front office for progressive payments of outstanding fees, uniform costs, and excursions, if required.

To apply

If after reading the above you believe that you are eligible then:

  1. download an application form student assistance form (PDF 34KB) or obtain from the front office.
  2. complete the information required, especially listing your social security number, the type of assistance required and then return the form to the front office in person or by email to Woonona-h.school@det.nsw.edu.auIf your application is accepted then your children (under 16) will be eligible to seek assistance when costs are incurred. An invoice will be issued in term 1 outlining all subject fees. An invoice is also issued for all uniform orders.
  3. present receipts or invoices to the school Admin Manager Payment (or part payment) will be processed and a cheque forwarded.

Students need to give Mr Radford relevant information before making an expenditure commitment. A decision on the level of funding support will be made. The funds will then be transferred to the relevant school account and parents informed.

Each application will be treated as confidential.