· To provide a balanced and nutritious food service at a reasonable cost.
· To maintain standards of health care
· To provide a service to the school community
· To support the educational program of the school.
The school canteen will aim to:
a. Develop practices consistent with Department of Education and Communication policy.
b. Provide an enjoyable nutritious attractive selection of food and drink at reasonable prices.
c. Help reduce health risk factors by encouraging the development of good eating habits consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for children and adolescents.
d. Provide foods recommended by the school canteen association.
e. Develop an appreciation of the social, ethnic and cultural aspects of foods as well as nutritional aspects.
f. Provide students with practical learning experiences about making healthy food choices that reinforce classroom nutrition.
g. Function as an efficient business enterprise.
h. Demonstrate high standards of hygiene in relation to the preparation, storage and serving of food at the canteen.
i. Provide an opportunity for the school community to participate in decisions concerning the operation of the school canteen.
j. Remain aware of appropriate advice from health authorities.
Implementation and Administration:
1. The canteen is operated by Woonona High School in conjunction with a sub-committee which will be responsible for managing the canteen in accordance with this policy and its supporting documents.
2. The canteen committee shall consist of the principal, canteen managers, teacher representatives and parent representative.
The principal holds an ex-officio role and represents both staff and students.
3. The canteen committee shall meet once per semester and on other occasions as required.
4. Hygiene – Appropriate hygiene legislation will be on permanent display in the canteen.
5. The canteen manager shall provide essential safe equipment and ensure it is well maintained.
6. An orientation session will be offered by the canteen manager to all new volunteers.
7. The financial management of the canteen will be in accordance with DET finance and audit procedures.
8. The final responsibility for canteen operations rests with the Principal.
The school canteen's operation will be evaluated annually by the Canteen Committee.