Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)
Information and Software Technology (200 hr)
People can expect to work and live in environments requiring highly developed levels of computing and technological literacy. Current technologies are becoming obsolete at a rapid rate and new generations will need to be flexible to accommodate changes as they emerge.
This course allows students to learn about, choose and use appropriate information and software technology and develop an informed awareness of its capacities, scope, limitations, and implications. It will also allow students to develop the knowledge, understanding, and skills to solve problems in real-life contexts.
Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
Information Processes and Technology (HSC)
Information systems and the role they play in society have increased in significance in recent years. The raw ingredients — information, information technology, and participants — combine to form information processes within information systems. The area of information systems has provided major jobs growth for both women and men in recent years. Moreover, fields which have not traditionally been associated with computers — but in which processing information is a vital function — are emerging as exciting new areas of employment. These include music, the arts, science, and technology as well as new and fast-growing industries that use multimedia.
The Information Processes and Technology Stage 6 course, teaches students about information-based systems. It covers the processes of collecting, organising, analysing, storing and retrieving, processing, transmitting and receiving, and displaying, as well as the technologies that support them. With this background, students will be well placed to adapt to new technologies as they emerge.
Software Design and Development (HSC)
The subject provides students with a systematic approach to problem-solving, an opportunity to be creative, excellent career prospects and interesting content. Students interested in the fields of software development and computer science will find this subject of value. The subject is not only for those who seek further study or careers in this field, but also for those who wish to understand the underlying principles of software design and development. Students with software development skills wishing to acquire team and communication skills will find this subject useful.
Students interested in the fields of software development and computer science will find this subject of value. The subject is not only for those who seek further study or careers in this field but also for those who wish to understand the underlying principles of software design and development. Students with software development skills wishing to acquire team and communication skills will find this subject useful.
Computer Applications (Wrap)
The aim of this course is to develop students' capacity to be competent and confident users of information and communication technologies in order to participate in a range of work, study and other life situations. The course is completely outcome-based and students complete a series of individual and/or group project work. All students must demonstrate a minimum standard of key competencies in each module studied. There are no theory-based exams.
Modules studied
- Hardware and Software Skills
- Graphics
- Spreadsheets
- Desktop Publishing
- Databases
- Communications
- Multimedia
- Robotics