Woonona High School

Respect Integrity Success Excellence

Telephone02 4284 1513


DoE Volunteering Program


Woonona High School has a proud history of volunteering in the local community. Every year there are numerous opportunities for students to volunteer both within the school and outside in the community.

Woonona High also participates in the DoE Student Volunteering Awards program. This program encourages students in Years 9 and 10 to undertake a minimum of 20 hours of volunteering in their community.

Currently students attend volunteer programs at Russell Vale primary school which involve helping infant students with  reading and sports. In appreciation of this contribution to the community, students receive Certificates (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Black Opal respectively) for completing 20, 40, 60, 80 and 150 hours of volunteering from the Department of Education.


Why volunteer?

There are a number of reasons why students should be encouraged to volunteer. Firstly volunteering benefits the whole community and helps build a student's self -esteem. It also assists with student's obtaining a job, as volunteering is highly regarded by employers when deciding between job applicants.


Mrs Roddis

Volunteer Coordinator