Year 12 English follow the Board of Studies syllabus which includes an Area of Study as well as three modules.
The modules studied in Year 12 Standard English in 2016 are:
- Distinctively Visual: Film Run Lola Run
- Area of Study: Discovery Novel Swallow the Air (by ex Woonona High student Tara Winch)
- Close Study of Text: Poetry Wilfred Owen
- Exploring Transitions: Play Educating Rita
The modules studied in Year 12 Advanced English in 2015 are:
- Comparative Study of Texts and Contexts: Novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Film Metropolis
- Area of Study: Discovery Shakespeare The Tempest
- Critical Study of Text: Poetry T S Eliot
- Representing People and Politics: Non-Fiction Why Weren't We Told?
The module studied in Extension One English in 2017 is
- Module B: After the Bomb
Woonona High School enjoys great success in HSC Advanced, Extension and Standard English. Woonona High School achieves significant 'value-adding' with the bulk of our students, with 'Z Scores' on the increase for the last three years. Student results in the bottom bands are consistently below State average. These excellent results in English reflect our high expectations of students. We also use formative feedback extensively and require students to reflect upon their own learning. These strategies reflect the latest educational research on how to lift student performance.