Woonona High School

Respect Integrity Success Excellence

Telephone02 4284 1513


Industrial Technology

Stage 5 Industrial Technology (timber/metal/silver jewellery)  

Industrial Technology is offered as a stage 5 elective and students may elect to study either timber, metal or silver jewellery. They may choose to study more than one focus area: i.e a student may choose to study both Industrial technology (timber) and Industrial Technology (metal). Students will develop skills through hands-on interaction with these in the design, planning and production of practical projects.

 This course allows students to develop an awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability in relation to the use of materials and technologies and their effects on people and society. It also develops in students an understanding of related work environments and occupational health and safety (OHS) matters, while developing a range of skills that will equip them for future leisure and lifestyle activities, potential vocational pathways or future learning in the technology field.


All students electing any Industrial technology course must wear enclosed substantial leather shoes. This is a department's safety requirement and cannot be varied under any circumstance. Students must also wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety glasses as directed by their teacher.


  • Timber for Year 9 is $60 and Year 10 is $40 + cost of timber for the major project
  • Metal for Year 9 is $55 and Year 10 is $40 + cost of metal for the major project
  • Jewellery for Year 9 is $95 and Year 10 is $45 + cost of timber for the major project