Visual Arts HSC Acceleration Program
This program is designed to cater for outstanding or exceptional students whom we can confidently expect to receive an "A" grade in Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10). The program is based on compressing the curriculum, so students will be required to complete the course, and all course outcomes, in a shorter period of time than usual. These students will effectively complete the HSC course in Year 11.
2018 will see Woonona High School entering the fourth year of the HSC Acceleration program. The initial group of students, being the first in the region to undertake such a course, have produced outstanding results to date. They are currently working through the Year 12 course and will complete the Visual Arts HSC in Year 11. We also have a group of Year 10 students following in their footsteps and the opportunity for Year 8 students to apply mid year. We also offer a Visual Arts Extension program for all interested art students.
Accelerated progression is a placement strategy available only to appropriate students as determined by the school Principal, drawing upon the advice of others and of departmental guidelines as appropriate. Clearly, acceleration is a strategy appropriate for outstanding or exceptional students.

In selecting appropriate students for accelerated progression, a wide range of factors are considered including:
- academic capacity;
- school performance;
- early achievement of the required outcomes stated for their particular curriculum stage in Board of Studies syllabuses;
The benefits of an accelerated program are varied; primarily, by students completing a subject with such a focus on major works a year early, they will have more time to resolve their art making with limited external pressure. There will be no impact upon their other subjects; rather students will have extra resources and lessons to aid their results during the HSC year. For more information, please contact our Visual Arts Staff.
Creative and Performing Arts Enrichment Class for Year 7 2019 - see Yr 7 CAPA Enrichment Class