Woonona High School

Respect Integrity Success Excellence

Telephone02 4284 1513


Why study information, process and technology

The Information Processes and Technology (IPT) Stage 6 course investigates computer-based information systems. It is important for you to realise that these information systems are part of our everyday life. In order to understand and develop information systems successfully in this course, you need to be able to appreciate these systems in real-world contexts, rather than simply rote-learn facts about information systems.

Think about the network at your school, local library or perhaps where you have a part-time job. Where is information held about you, how is it held, what are the implications if this information was to be sold or given to a third party?

Look around you, investigate information systems, ask questions. What is the purpose of the system? Inquire about the information technology used such as hardware and software, identify the data and the participants and the environment of the system.

The IPT course

The core content of the IPT HSC course involves students undertaking project work to investigate information systems while studying communication systems, information systems and databases.

As well as the core, the students investigate two of the following optional strands

  • Transaction processing systems
  • Decision support systems
  • Automated manufacturing systems
  • Multimedia systems.

Have a look at the following document on the need to study IPT (PDF 2169KB) for more information.