Woonona High School

Respect Integrity Success Excellence

Telephone02 4284 1513


Occupational Health and Safety

It is a mandatory DEC requirement that all students working in practical workshops (including wood, metal, food and textiles rooms) MUST be wearing enclosed substantial leather shoes with flat nonslip soles.

DEC policy states

'Basically the PPE requirement is a condition of entry into the workshop or laboratory and was developed by undertaking a risk management exercise.'

'In the absence of any medical certificate, the PPE requirement is not negotiable. A parent signing a disclaimer provides no protection for the Department. The student and parent need to re-evaluate participating in the subject.'

Students must also wear any additional OHS/PPE equipment as directed by the teacher that is, safety glasses, aprons, face shields, etc. Students who refuse to comply with these conditions will not be permitted to remain in the practical room.